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Ways To Improve: Eating

Published by
Kwynn16   Aug 13th 2014, 4:20pm

Have you ever gone for a run, or ran a workout, and you just don’t feel your best? You’ve ran the same thing many times before, but you just can’t turn on the jets when you need to? You know that you got plenty of sleep, and you had something to eat. So why are you still not able to run at your best? Chances are, you haven’t had the best choice of food to eat.

Food Is Fuel


Let’s all pretend for a second that we’re cars. What’s the primary thing that a car needs to get going? Fuel. If there’s no fuel in the tank, then that car is staying where it is!

When you eat, your body has to break down the food, and digest and absorb the various nutrients in order to produce the energy that you use. To maintain your energy level, strive to fuel your body consistently throughout the day. If you currently skip a meal, experiment by eating or drinking a nutritious snack and monitor how you feel. Do you have more energy? Are you able to think more clearly? Are you less irritable or tired? If you tend to skip meals or wait longer than four hours to fuel your body, there is an increased likelihood that you will reach that uncomfortable point when you feel ravenous. If you reach this stage, you are more likely to grab the most convenient food available, which is usually a candy bar, chips or other high calorie, less nutritious food.


It’s very important that you consistently eat three meals per day, and also to properly hydrate.

Eating And Drinking: Before The Run


WATER. WATER. WATER. WATER. With any athlete, or physically active person, there has to be a proper amount of foods and fluids in the body in order for it to perform certain tasks.

A car can run once it’s been filled with fuel; but what if the battery is dead? Again, the car is going nowhere. Humans are the same way. You can eat a good meal before you run, but if you’re not drinking water throughout the day ━ or vice versa ━ you may start, but you probably won’t finish. You’ll feel drowsy, queasy, and you just won’t feel like doing anything at all.

What To Eat And Drink For Certain Runs


If you know that you have a workout at practice, don’t blatantly go and get something heavy, or something that you know will hinder you; especially if it has before.


You don’t have to be “Captain Health Specialist” when choosing what foods to eat. In simpler terms ━ it’s common sense. You know what certain foods do to your body at certain times when you do certain things. Just don’t eat it.


It’s better to go with something simple and light. For example: A small ham and cheese sub sandwich with a bottle of water and an apple is a great choice. It’s simple, light, and filling. Not to mention delicious.


If you have a slower paced and longer run, then it’s ok to eat something you’re craving every once in a while. Just don’t make it a habit.

Eating And Drinking: After The Run


WATER. WATER. WATER. WATER. There’s nothing like a good bottle of cold water waiting for you after a hard workout. What’s even better than that is a nice bottle of Powerade or a protein shake ready and waiting to be sipped on.


After you’re done running, you don’t feel like doing much of anything ━ even drinking. But that’s part of the regeneration process. If a car runs out of gas, it will keep rolling for only so much longer before it stops. In order for it to run again, it needs to be refilled again with fuel.

It’s ok to sit around for a bit after you’re done running, but soon after that you need to get some food and fluids in your system.


It doesn’t have to be a full meal immediately after as well. It can be something smaller. For example: You just finished a workout or a 10 miler. It’s hot, you’re tired, and you just want to go to sleep. Instead of sleeping right away, take a sip of some water or a drink with some electrolytes in it, like Powerade. After you recover some, snack on something like a bag of pretzels or animal crackers to get some solid foods in your system.


Then when you get home, you can eat a more full meal.


The Foods We Love?

Things like pancakes and waffles or burgers and fries aren’t bad at all, as long as you don’t have it all the time. There’s nothing wrong with eating the stuff that we love. The problem comes when we don’t limit when we’re eating them, and how much of it we’re consuming.


Other than that, if you’re not running and you pass by a Wendy’s, go on and get a Double Cheese combo, or some chili cheese fries.. Just don’t eat it everyday.

Good Foods To Eat


Here is a list of good foods and meals, as well as things to drink.


  1. Sandwich with water, or juice, along with a fruit or snack, such as some pretzels.

  2. A salad, complete with various toppings like ham, eggs, cheese, with milk, water, or juice.

  3. Noodles. (Spaghetti or plain)

  4. Rice and beans along with water, juice, or milk, with a fruit.

  5. Sub Sandwich with water, juice or milk, along with a fruit or snack.

  6. Pretzels with water, juice or milk.

  7. Protein Shakes.

  8. Gatorade or Powerade.

  9. Water.

  10. Any kind of fruit or vegetables. (Grapes, Carrots, Broccoli, Squash, etc.)

We all want to be better. We all want to succeed at what we do, but have fun with it as well. Eating these simple things, and watching what you eat are just more ways to improve.

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